Englisch als Arbeitssprache im handlungsorientierten naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht

Version vom 10. Juli 2019, 15:18 Uhr von imported>Th (Textersetzung - „Category:Fonds S5“ durch „Category:Fonds S5 Category:IMST“)
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English across curricula (EAC) has been employed in chemistry education based on a concept that focuses on pupils' independent activity. A variety of materials was developed and tested with respect to their suitability in promoting students' grasp of science. Methods employed include students' experiments, literature research, presentations, doing work sheets, e-learning tasks and the use of a moodle platform. Moreover, the use of EAC was integrated in different projects. The investigation was directed at the questions of: a) the importance of language understanding in science education, b) the motivation of female and male students in science education and c) equal opportunities for migrants in science education. Evaluation was performed by a professional team by video analysis and qualitative interviews. Taking into account the special situation and restricted data results have to be regarded as tentative. They indicate that EAC can enhance motivation and understanding of gifted and/or interested students while less skilled students are less willing to cooperate in EAC. No pronounced difference of students' commitment could be established with respect to gender. Migrants appreciated the simultaneous involvement of their native languages only if they could rely on their own skills in the respective language and were intent on employing these skills in their professional careers.

Autor/in: Elisabeth Langer
Durchführende Institution/en: Bundesrealgymnasium, Oberstufenrealgymnasium und European Highschool Henriettenplatz (915016)
Fach/Fächer: Chemie, Informatik, Geografie, Englisch, European Studies
Schulstufe/n: 8. und 11. und 12. Schulstufe

Dateien: Kurzfassung, Langfassung
Weiterführende/s Projekt/e: CLIL in Science Education