Wirkungen des lokalen und internationalen Verkehrs auf Gesellschaft und Umwelt

Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen

As a pertinent part of the school development process of our school we intend to implement major topics that will give guidelines for the entire education process throughout a school year. We chose the effects of traffic as a first theme due to its importance for society and nature and because of the fact that a cooperation of all grades and subjects can be based on this topic. The school year 2003/04 was dedicated to preparatory work. Three 7th grade classes were involved in the planning process. The topic will cover three levels: the immediate surroundings of the school, traffic concepts of cities and far range traffic and transport with a particular focus on the development in the EU after its recent enlargement. The work having been done in the first term of 03/04 has been described in the interim report. The main result was the fact that we submitted project plans and were winners of a competition by the Austrian Climate Change Panel in cooperation with Austria's Ministry of Environment. In consequence the pupils of one class (7d) and the authors of this report were invited to a kick-off event for this years' car-free day of Europe (going to be held on Sept. 22nd 2004) presided by the environment minister in the town hall of Graz on June 7th. Furthermore three pupils of the 7b class and one of us (Plaimauer) were official delegates at the 4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health ("The Future of our Children") of the WHO in Budapest (June 22nd – 25th). The pupils were the Austrian youths' representatives in this meeting. Both events were of paramount importance with respect to the question how pupils can be motivated to take interest in a single topic for a long period of time. Pupils took note of the fact that various organisations – both governmental and non-governmental – are concerned about the consequences of traffic and that these organisations are taking our efforts seriously and are intending to cooperate with us. This made pupils realize the importance and quality of our project. Naturally, their motivation to do further work on this topic was enhanced by these experiences. However, as yet they do not see themselves sufficiently fit to act as coaches for lower grade pupils during outdoor activities and to help them with the collecting, presentation and evaluation of data – a task they are meant to perform according to the project plan. It will therefore be necessary to train them well – both with respect to knowledge and methods and concerning their personal skills and self esteem. As for basic knowledge related to the topic Chemistry lessons concerning climate change and the energy balance and kinetics of chemical reactions were performed in the classes. At the end of term pupils gave presentations dealing with materials (e. g. metals), fuels (both conventional and alternative) and emissions in connection with traffic. In Geography and Economy the interdependence of global trade and the increase in transport were discussed and the inadequately low influence of transport on customers' prizes assessed. Traffic related to tourism was another topic of general interest.

Autor/in: Elisabeth Langer
Durchführende Institution/en: Bundesrealgymnasium, Oberstufenrealgymnasium und European Highschool Henriettenplatz (915016)
Fach/Fächer: Biologie; Chemie; Physik; Geografie
Schulstufe/n: 11. Schulstufe

Dateien: Kurzfassung, Langfassung