Spiele im Englischunterricht - 1. Klasse

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“Let’s play a game” sounds like having fun for a 10-year-old whereas “Let’s study English” might not be such a tempting proposal for a child. When playing games, children interact with each other and games often provide learning opportunities for them. Being an English teacher and facing 10-year-olds for the very first time in my career, I asked myself how to exploit the fact that they love to play for my lessons. This paper deals with the following questions: Which games do my students like and why? What games do I like? What games are suitable for my lessons? Clearly, playing has helped develop a good relationship between the students and me and, as will be demonstrated in this paper, fosters a learning environment, in which the students look forward to the language lessons.

Autor/in: Barbara Andrasch
Durchführende Institution/en: Gymnasium Wien III (Privates Gymnasium Sacré Coeur Wien) (903046)
Fach/Fächer: Englisch
Schulstufe/n: 5. Schulstufe

Dateien: Langfassung, Bibliographie, Fragebogen zu Spiele im Englischunterricht, Meine fünf Lieblingsspiele für die erste Klasse